

The Trust gives grants to Anglican clergy, seminarians and students. The awards are currently worth up to £350. Each year the Trustees
set a budget for the total amount that can be awarded and distribution is made until the limit is reached. We therefore encourage application early in the calendar year.


The grants for stipendiary clergy are for those taking sabbaticals. For self-supporting clergy (for whom official sabbaticals are rarely given)
grants are available for recognised study. The grant will customarily contribute towards travel and accommodation costs involved in study.
A brief letter of confirmation from a cleric’s bishop, archdeacon or continuing education office is required to support the application.


Applications can be received from those in Anglican theological colleges or on ministerial courses. The grants are to assist with the costs
of pastoral placements that are part of formation. Three members of a college or course may apply each calendar year. A brief letter of
confirmation is required from an applicant’s principal or director of studies.


All student applicants must be aged 18 – 25. The grant will help towards the expenses of engaging in a work of Christian mission and
service – typically this will be for a gap year before or after higher education. A brief letter by way of reference is required to support
the application.


Mrs Linden Sheffield
Administration Support


Direct Phone: 01494 928348 or 07739012459

Fellowship of Saint John (UK) Trust Association
Registered Office:
65/68 Leadenhall Street
London, EC3A 2AD

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